What is HTML: HTML Introduction Made Easy: A Step-by-Step...

HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the standard markup language for creating Web pages.

HTML Basic Examples

In this section, we will show some fundamental HTML models. If we use tags that you have not yet learned about, don't worry.

How to Install WAMP on Windows

Before making their projects live, professional developers always prefer to test them locally. Furthermore, in the event that you...

How To install XAMPP Server ?

XAMPP is the title used for a compilation of free software. The name is an acronym, with each letter representing one of the five...

TCS and other IT firms may delay new hire onboarding and...

It is being speculated that current employees of major IT firms like TCS may experience variable pay reductions and may also delay...

Another IT company delays onboarding new hires, jeopardizing...

Due to the difficult macroeconomic conditions, numerous technology and information technology companies have delayed onboarding new...

MySQL Features

MySQL is a social data set administration framework (RDBMS) in light of the SQL (Organized Question Language) inquiries. It is one...


Basic PHP Syntax ?

PHP content can be set in anyplace in the record. Beginning a PHP script with:

PHP Installation

You can install and begin using PHP by: Choose a web host that supports PHP and MySQL, set up a web server on your personal computer,...

What is jQuery?

jQuery is a JavaScript library that lets you write less code and do more.

What is PHP ?

PHP, which stands for "Hypertext Preprocessor," is a well-known server-side scripting language that is mostly used to create dynamic...

What is SQL?

Structured Query Language, or SQL, is a programming language for querying and accessing databases.

What is JavaScript ?

JavaScript is a language that is translated, not compiled. The translation of the JavaScript code for the web browser is the responsibility...

Web Design

Web Development