PHP Installation

You can install and begin using PHP by: Choose a web host that supports PHP and MySQL, set up a web server on your personal computer, and then install PHP and MySQL.

PHP Installation

What Do I Need?

You can begin using PHP by:

  • Find a web have with PHP and MySQL support
  • PHP and MySQL must first be installed on your own personal computer's web server.

Use a Web Host With PHP Support

You don't have to do anything if PHP support has been turned on on your server.

The server will automatically parse the.php files you create and place them in your web directory.

You don't have to accumulate anything or introduce any additional instruments.

The majority of web hosts provide PHP support because it is free.

Set Up PHP on Your Own PC

However, if PHP is not supported on your server, you must:

  • install a web server
  • install PHP
  • install a database, such as MySQL

Installation instructions for PHP are available on the official PHP website (