To save money, Google will stop providing employees with free snacks, laundry services, and other perks.
Many of Google's company-wide benefits, such as free snacks in micro kitchens, laundry services, massages, and company lunches, are said to be being reduced or eliminated.

Due to the benefits, it provides to its employees, Google consistently ranks among the best workplaces. The company, on the other hand, is now paying a lot for these benefits. Google has consequently decided to reduce some of its extravagant expenditures. Many of Google's company-wide benefits, such as free snacks in micro kitchens, laundry services, massages, and company lunches, are said to be being reduced or eliminated. Google will also reduce the speed of its hiring process to cut costs.
According to a Business Insider report, Ruth Porat, Google's Chief Financial Officer, stated that the company needs to make effective use of the funds in order to concentrate on work that is of higher priority. Insider obtained a memo that Porat sent to Google employees on Friday. In it, he said that the company would slow down its hiring process and reallocate teams to focus on work that is more important. In addition, the memo stated that the company would no longer spend money on personal electronics like laptops. Porat went on to say that the changes to the benefits will be different for each office location based on the needs there and the trends there.
Google is thinking about changing the schedules for some fitness classes and closing the micro kitchen on days when fewer people use it. While the advantage decreases might appear to be a tremendous change for Google representatives, the organization guarantees the advantage decreases are to make reserve funds to help different enhancements like machine usage.
Google is known for its broad scope of advantages, including free tidbits, clothing administrations, back rubs, and company snacks, making it an optimal work environment. Sundar Pichai, the company's chief executive officer, made the announcement earlier this year that the company would be laying off approximately 12,000 employees—roughly 6%—in order to devote the company's talent and resources to its highest priorities, including AI.
In addition, a spokesperson for Google, Ryan Lamon, stated to Gizmodo, "As we've publicly stated, we have a company goal to make durable savings through improved velocity and efficiency." He added, "As part of this, we're making some practical changes to help us remain, responsible stewards of our resources while continuing to offer perks, benefits, and amenities that are industry-leading."
Although Google employees, who absolutely adore the benefits, may not be thrilled by the news, it is a necessary step for the company to save money and concentrate on its high-priority projects, such as Artificial Intelligence. Google will continue to offer perks, benefits, and amenities that lead the industry, but some changes will be made to help the company keep its resources in good hands.