In the G20 New Delhi Declaration, PM Modi's touch and the 4 Ps

Amitabh Kant, India's G-20 Sherpa, discussed important aspects of the G20 Summit-approved New Delhi Declaration.

In the G20 New Delhi Declaration, PM Modi's touch and the 4 Ps

In a major win for India, the New Delhi Statement was embraced during the G20 Highest point. The adoption was made possible thanks to everyone's cooperation, according to Prime Minister Narendra Modi's announcement.

Amitabh Kant, India's G-20 Sherpa, emphasized the declaration's key features and geopolitical aspects. He said it focuses on the four Ps: Planet, Individuals, Harmony, and Flourishing.

New Delhi Declaration adopted at G20 

01 PM Modi proposed the adoption of the New Delhi Declaration while addressing the second Summit session at the Bharat Mandapam. He announced that it had been adopted after reaching a consensus among all member states.

02 "There is good news," PM Modi stated as he made the adoption announcement. The New Delhi G20 Leadership Declaration has received unanimous support from all parties. In addition, PM Modi stated that of all the G20 presidencies, India has been the most ambitious and action-oriented.

03 Kant tweeted, "They are a powerful call for Planet, People, Peace, and Prosperity in today's world," in reference to the new "geopolitical paras." In today's world, it demonstrates PM Modi's leadership."

04 The G20 member states were at a standstill over how to describe Russia's war on Ukraine when Kant's remarks were made. According to the news agency PTI, the G20 members "reached a compromise" after much deliberation. A revised version of the joint declaration was distributed by India to the member states.

05 Amitabh Kant recorded the vital elements of the New Delhi Announcement: Solid, Manageable, Adjusted, and Comprehensive Development; Getting to the Sustainable Development Goals More Quickly; Green Improvement Settlement for a Reasonable Future; Multilateral Foundations for the 21st 100 years; reviving multilateralism

06 The declaration also demonstrates concern for human suffering and the negative effects of global wars and conflicts. According to the declaration, "India maintains that all states must refrain from using force to seek territorial acquisition against the territorial integrity, sovereignty, or political independence of any state."

07 The declaration acknowledges that geopolitical and security issues can have significant effects on the global economy, but also points out that the G20 is not a forum for resolving these issues.

08 The New Delhi Declaration exhorts all nations to uphold international law's principles of territorial integrity and sovereignty, stating that "Today's era must not be of war."