Vishwakarma Puja 2024, auspicious time, right time, recite this stotra
It is contained in the Sanatan scriptures that Kanya Sankranti (Vishwakarma Puja 2024) is celebrated on the date when Sun God enters the Virgo zodiac.

- Vishwakarma Jayanti is celebrated in the month of Bhadrapada.
- Vrat Katha should be recited on the day of Vishwakarma Puja.
- It is customary to worship Lord Vishwakarma on this day.
- Vishwakarma Jayanti is celebrated on Kanya Sankranti.
- Ravi Yoga is being formed on Anant Chaturdashi.
It is contained in the Sanatan scriptures that Kanya Sankranti (Vishwakarma Puja 2024) is celebrated on the date when the Sun God enters the Virgo zodiac. The craftsman Lord Vishwakarma is incarnated on the day of Kanya Sankranti. On this auspicious occasion, Lord Vishwakarma is worshiped with rituals. By worshiping Lord Vishwakarma, the devotee gets desired success in career and business.
Vishwakarma Jayanti is being celebrated with great pomp across the country. Today is also Anant Chaturdashi and Bhadrapad Purnima. On this auspicious occasion, craftsman Vishwakarma ji is being worshipped with devotion. Special worship of Lord Vishwakarma is being done by installing idols in public places. Religious belief is that worshipping Lord Vishwakarma brings happiness and good fortune. Along with this, career and business get a new dimension. This removes money-related problems. If you also want to get rid of the financial crisis, then today,, at the time of worshiping Lord Vishwakarma, do recite the auspicious Shri Vishwakarma Ashtakam and Vishwakarma Stotra.
Vishwakarma Stotra (Recite this stotra)
आदिरूप नमस्तुभ्यं नमस्तुभ्यं पितामह ।
विराटाख्य नमस्तुभ्यं विश्वकर्मन्नमोनमः ॥
आकृतिकल्पनानाथस्त्रिनेत्री ज्ञाननायकः ।
सर्वसिद्धिप्रदाता त्वं विश्वकर्मन्नमोनमः ॥
पुस्तकं ज्ञानसूत्रं च कम्बी सूत्रं कमण्डलुम् ।
धृत्वा संमोहनं देव विश्वकर्मन्नमोनमः ॥
विश्वात्मा भूतरूपेण नानाकष्टसंहारक ।
तारकानादिसंहाराद्विश्वकर्मन्नमोनमः ॥
ब्रह्माण्डाखिलदेवानां स्थानं स्वर्भूतलं तलम् ।
लीलया रचितं येन विश्वरूपाय ते नमः ॥
विश्वव्यापिन्नमस्तुभ्यं त्र्यम्बकं हंसवाहनम् ।
सर्वक्षेत्रनिवासाख्यं विश्वकर्मन्नमोनमः ॥
निराभासाय नित्याय सत्यज्ञानान्तरात्मने ।
विशुद्धाय विदूराय विश्वकर्मन्नमोनमः ॥
नमो वेदान्तवेद्याय वेदमूलनिवासिने ।
नमो विविक्तचेष्टाय विश्वकर्मन्नमोनमः ॥
यो नरः पठते नित्यं विश्वकर्माष्टकमिदम् ।
धनं धर्मं च पुत्रश्च लभेदान्ते परां गतिम् ॥
Sri Vishwakarma Ashtakam
निरञ्जनो निराकारः निर्विकल्पो मनोहरः ।
निरामयो निजानन्दः निर्विघ्नाय नमो नमः ॥
अनादिरप्रमेयश्च अरूपश्च जयाजयः ।
लोकरूपो जगन्नाथः विश्वकर्मन्नमो नमः ॥
नमो विश्वविहाराय नमो विश्वविहारिणे ।
नमो विश्वविधाताय नमस्ते विश्वकर्मणे ॥
नमस्ते विश्वरूपाय विश्वभूताय ते नमः ।
नमो विश्वात्मभूथात्मन् विश्वकर्मन्नमोऽस्तु ते ॥
विश्वायुर्विश्वकर्मा च विश्वमूर्तिः परात्परः ।
विश्वनाथः पिता चैव विश्वकर्मन्नमोऽस्तु ते ॥
विश्वमङ्गलमाङ्गल्यः विश्वविद्याविनोदितः ।
विश्वसञ्चारशाली च विश्वकर्मन्नमोऽस्तु ते ॥
विश्वैकविधवृक्षश्च विश्वशाखा महाविधः ।
शाखोपशाखाश्च तथा तद्वृक्षो विश्वकर्मणः ॥
तद्वृक्षः फलसम्पूर्णः अक्षोभ्यश्च परात्परः ।
अनुपमानो ब्रह्माण्डः बीजमोङ्कारमेव च ॥
Stuti Mantra:
नमस्ते विश्वकर्माय, त्वमेव कर्तृता सदा।
शिल्पं विधाय सर्वत्र, त्वं विश्वेशो नमो नमः।।
Puja Mantra:
ॐ आधार शक्तपे नमः,
ॐ कूमयि नमः,
ॐ अनंतम नमः,
ॐ पृथिव्यै नमः,
ॐ विश्वकर्मणे नमः।।
Vishvakarma Pooja ka shubh muhoort (Auspicious time of Vishwakarma Puja)
Every year Vishvakarma Puja is held on Kanya Sankranti. This year, Kanya Sankranti is on Tuesday, 16th September, at 7.52 pm. That means the sun will enter into the Virgo sign at 7.52 pm. But this year Vishvakarma Puja is on Tuesday, 17th September. On this day Chaturdashi tithi till 11.00 am, followed by Poornima tithi, Shatabhisha nakshatra till 2.20 pm, followed by Purva Bhadrapad nakshatra, Dhrithi yoga, Ravi yoga as well.
Know the Twilight Muhurta
Vishwakarma Puja is celebrated every year on the occasion of Kanya Sankranti. The auspicious time for the Puja is from sunrise to 11:42, Abhijit Muhurat from 11:51 to 12:42, Amrit Kaal from 7:00 to 8:35 in the morning, Twilight Muhurat from 6:25 to 6:48, and Sandhya Aarti from 6:25 to 6:55.
Where is Vishwakarma Puja celebrated?
Although Vishwakarma Puja is celebrated all over the country, it is celebrated with great enthusiasm in UP-Bihar and Bengal-Jharkhand. On this day, people associated with the technical field offer prasad to Lord Vishwakarma after worshiping him and distributing it.
When and why is Vishwakarma Puja celebrated?
It is a religious belief that Lord Vishwakarma (Vishwakarma Puja History) was incarnated on the day of Kanya Sankranti. This is why this day is celebrated as Vishwakarma Jayanti. Lord Vishwakarma is said to be the creator of all the divine cities like Swarg Lok, Pushpak Viman, and Kuberpuri. Apart from this, Lord Vishwakarma built the golden Lanka and Dwarka city for Lord Krishna. It is a religious belief that by worshiping Lord Vishwakarma on this auspicious occasion, the person gets relief from the obstacles in the workplace and gets immense success in business.
Disclaimer: The information given here is based on general beliefs and information. BlogyHub does not confirm it.
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