Elon Musk's telephone was once removed and secured in a cabinet by Tesla board part, here's the reason
The biographer referenced that Musk appears to be nearly dependent on the fervor that accompanies Twitter. He sees possessing Twitter as a method for being in charge and have an unmistakable presence.

It is difficult to get Elon Musk far from Twitter however once, a Tesla board part found a way an outrageous way to get him far from tweeting. He grabbed his telephone locked it inside the pantry.
As indicated by Elon Musk's biographer, a portion of his companions have gone to outrageous lengths to prevent him from tweeting late around evening time. One of his dear companions, Tesla board part Antonio Gracias, once removed Musk's telephone and secured it in an inn safe. Gracias even punched in the code himself to guarantee that Musk couldn't recover it and begin tweeting again at 3 a.m. Notwithstanding, Musk at last persuaded inn security to open the safe so he could continue tweeting, Business Insider revealed.
The biographer referenced that Musk appears to be nearly dependent on the fervor that accompanies Twitter. He sees possessing Twitter as a method for being in charge and have an unmistakable presence. Notwithstanding endeavors from companions, including his sibling Kimbal Musk, to deter him from purchasing Twitter, Musk is firmly attracted to the stage. Gracias and Musk gave no remarks regarding this situation.
It's hazy when Gracias endeavored to get Musk's telephone, however it's significant that Musk has confronted discussions because of his tweets previously. In 2018, a financial backer encouraged him to abstain from tweeting when he's surprise. Musk confronted kickback when he called an English cavern jumper who aided salvage caught young men an offensive term on Twitter. He later apologized, and the occurrence prompted a maligning claim, which Musk at last won.
During a preliminary connected with his tweet about having "subsidizing got" to take Tesla private, proof of an email trade was uncovered. In the email, the financial backer encouraged Musk to avoid involving Twitter as a source for his disappointments. In spite of the fact that Musk won the preliminary, both he and Tesla suffered a $20 million consequence to the Protections and Trade Commission in 2018.
Indeed, even Twitter's new Chief has exhorted Musk against late-evening tweeting, and Musk himself conceded that he ought to likely quit tweeting at 3 a.m. He recognized that he has committed errors previously and recommended saving questionable tweets as drafts and investigating them the following day prior to choosing whether to post them.
Musk is known for his unfiltered nature, frequently showing an adolescent funny bone on Twitter. His tweets cover a great many themes, from unrefined humor and maryjane jokes to conversations about existence on Mars and participating openly fights with figures like Apple's Chief Tim Cook and Amazon organizer Jeff Bezos. Nowadays he has been focusing on Meta Chief Imprint Zuckerberg a ton. Musk is discontent with him since he carried out Twitter rival, Strings. Responding to the new application, Musk tweeted, "Competetion is fine, cheating isn't".